Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day One

to the world of blogsphere - greetings from a first timer.

i have been reading a few well established blogs consistently. my gratitude and thanks

to these bloggers for their inspirational writings that has also prompted me to start my


do i have a detailed plan on what i am going to post? none whatsoever but i have

an inkling that my writings may veer towards political thoughts and observations.

i may also touch on religion a little.

the first day of my blogging coincides with higher petrol prices for malaysians. it

was waiting to happen but the impact is really telling. was the hike in price very

high to cover for last year?

my concern is the way the government is making decisions - i believe the DPM did

say that there will be no price hike till september this year. if you are not sure or

not privy to sensitive information, then do not issue any statement. doing otherwise

just erodes the already battered image and credibility.

i have been anticipating the hike for some time now. i was also looking forward to
some encouragement from the government on the use of NGV as alternative and cheaper
source of fuels for vehicles. unfortunately, this aspect was not given any consideration
other that keeping the current prices. there is only a 25% reduction in the road tax - not
much to encourage conversion.

how about removing taxes or import duties for NGV conversion kits and gas cylinders which
are all being imported right now. more NGV dispensing outlets would also help. i understand
that it costs a considerable amount of money to install NGV dispensing mechanism.

but look at the benefit - cleaner air and the people are not too burdened as NGV price is
still lower and so will the vehicle maintenance cost.

will our 'caring' government look into this very seriously?


1 comment:

DVA said...

Dear sir, I applaud your decision to start a blog and I fully support your cause. The sudden increase in the price of petrol and diesel announced by the government certainly took the country by surprise, moreso, because there was indication that there will be no increase at least until August. People were only starting to make adjustments to their lifestyle with the increase in oil prices and impending announcement by the govt in August.

However, the sudden announcement by the government was to my opinion totally irresponsible, so much so, it only shows stark inefficiency in the way they manage the country. The reason given that they could not wait any longer and had to immediately raise prices, contrary to their earlier promise cannot be accepted because, the increase in the price of oil did not happen overnight.

There was ample time for the government to manage this more efficiently. They should have used the time to create awareness and promote the use of NGV, also make NGV readily available, i.e. expand its network. More of such conversion kits should have been brought in to meet the impending increase in its demand and more authorised centres opened to do such conversions. However, nothing was done.

Businesses too would have had some time to work on some strategies to lessen the 'pass-on' effect to the public, i.e. any increase in prices could have been done in a gradual manner to lessen the people's burden.

They (the people up there) need not make any changes to their flamboyant lifestyle. At the end of the day, it is the man on the street like me who would have to suffer and make changes to our lifestyle because of 'their' poor management. Think of the poor, how much more adjustments can they make??