Saturday, June 7, 2008

replace air for petrol?

one would think that a serious issue such as fuel price hike would have taken the best brains in the government to look at all angles before announcing their decision. it takes time, careful planning and inputs from various quarters before the decission is implemented.

usually this is not the case in our country. decisions are made more like shooting from the hips. what follows is knee jerk reactions.

having thought that the annual rebates that would be given out to motocyclists and smaller capacity cars would win over the public, the reactions from the rakyat has jolted the powers be. brace yourselves for more goodies to be announced on a daily basis.

what caught my attention was the plans announced by the government as published in saturday's star. the number one plan is cost cutting by government departments and agencies. i do hope that real commitment is shown here.

will the PM now sell off the jets that serve him and other top guns? surely these cost a bomb to fly and maintain? how about the fleet of luxury cars that are leased by the government at high cost?

anyway, those who wish to save on high fuel cost, may want to check out a car that runs on air - yes on air. follow the link here. this would be great for city driving. will the government consider tax exemption for these vehicles to be imported into malaysia? anyway, readers please pay attention to safety issues from commentators.

thank you Bro. Suresh for the heads up.


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